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Plants at the margin : ecological limits and climate change

Autor: R. M. M. Crawford
Rok: 2008
ISBN: 9780521623094
OKCZID: 110247466

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
CRAWFORD, R. M. M. Plants at the margin: ecological limits and climate change. First published 2008. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. xv, 478 s.



Margins are by their very nature environmentally unstable - does it therefore follow that plant populations adapted for life in such areas will prove to be pre-adapted to withstand the changes that may be brought about by a warmer world? Biogeography, demography, reproductive biology, physiology and genetics all provide cogent explanations as to why limits occur where they do, and the purpose of this book is to bring together these different avenues of enquiry. Crawford's numerous beautiful illustrations of plants in their natural habitats remind us that the environment remains essential to our understanding of plants and their function. This book is suited to students, researchers and anyone with an interest in the impact of climate change on our world.

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