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The uses of images : studies in the social funktion of art and visual communication

Autor: Gombrich, E. H.
Rok: 2006
ISBN: 9780714839691
OKCZID: 110277740
Vydání: 1st pub.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
GOMBRICH, E. H. The uses of images: studies in the social funktion of art and visual communication. First published. London: Phaidon Press Limited, 1999. 304 stran.



This is a collection of essays by the world's most famous art historian E.H. Gombrich. In this wide-ranging volume (the tenth in the series), Professor Gombrich focuses on the role of supply and demand in the creation of images of all kinds. In so doing, he brings together and develops many of the ideas and themes in the social history of art that have preoccupied him through a lifetime of research and reflection.

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