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Varieties of English : an introduction to the study of language

Autor: Freeborn, Dennis.
Rok: 1993.
ISBN: 9780333589175
ISBN: 9780333589168
OKCZID: 110300211
Vydání: 2nd ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
FREEBORN, Dennis. Varieties of English: an introduction to the study of language. 2nd ed. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1993. xiii, 269 s. Studies in English language.



A topic-based introduction to spoken and written English, providing a wide range of written texts and transcriptions of speech for commentary and analysis. The salient stylistic features are described in linguistic terms where this is relevant to the particular nature of the text or transcript. This second edition adds new material for study, and provides new sections on areas such as "politically correct" usage, language and racism and language and gender. The original cassette tape remains applicable, and offers a useful resource.

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