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The economics of the common market

Autor: Dennis Swann
Rok: 1970
ISBN: 9780140144970
OKCZID: 110306023

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
SWANN, Dennis. The economics of the common market. 7. ed. London: Penguin Books, 1992. x, 379 s. A Penguin Book Economics.



This book provides an in-depth study of the economic principles underlying the creation of the Common Market and the development of policy ever since the last edition . To take account of all the latest changes Professor Swann has fully updated his discussion of the decision-making institutions, proposed monetary union, the Single European Act and the reformed CAP. Other major aspects - transport and tariff barriers, fisheries and factor movements, social, regional and industrial policy, energy and the environment - are given equally comprehensive treatment. The EC may have always had a political purpose, but its fundamental framework is economic; a definitive description appears in this volume.

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