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Projekt ObalkyKnih.cz sdružuje různé zdroje informací o knížkách do jedné, snadno použitelné webové služby. Naše databáze v tuto chvíli obsahuje 2978239 obálek a 908329 obsahů českých a zahraničních publikací. Naše API využívá většina knihoven v ČR.
Robert Capa : the definitive collection | ||||||||||||||
Autor: Capa AnotaceRobert Capa (1913–1954), one of the greatest photographers of the twentieth century and a founding member of the Magnum photographic agency, had the mind of a passionate and committed journalist and the eye of an artist. His lifework, consisting of more than 70,000 negative frames, constitutes an unparalleled documentation of a crucial twenty-two-year period (1932–1954) encompassing some of the most catastrophic and dramatic events of the last century. This book represents the most definitive selection of Robert Capa’s work ever published, a collection of 937 photographs selected by Capa’s brother, Cornell Capa (himself a noted LIFE photographer), and his biographer, Richard Whelan, who meticulously re-examined all of Robert Capa’s contact sheets to compile this master set of images. Zdroj anotace: Web obalkyknih.cz Dostupné zdroje