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Art at the turn of the millennium

Autor: Larsen, Lars Bang
Rok: c1999
ISBN: 9783822873939
OKCZID: 110332937

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
LARSEN, Lars Bang, RIEMSCHNEIDER, Burkhard, ed. a GROSENICK, Uta, ed. Art at the turn of the millennium =: L´Art au tournant L´an 2000. Köln ;, London ;, Madrid ;, New York ;, Paris ;, Tokyo: Taschen, [1999]. 575 stran.

Hodnocení: 3.5 / 5 (6 hlasů)



At the turn of the millennium, art is beginning to reflect the diversity of humanity's dreams and realities at a most dynamic time in human history. This volume is a virtual gallery, a trawl through the art world, with an A-Z of the biggest names, the rising stars and the new kids on the block.

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