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Programs in Aid of the Poor

Rok: 1990
ISBN: 9780801840395
OKCZID: 110351116

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
LEVITAN, Sar A. Programs in aid of the poor. 6th ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1990. viii, 189 s.



The revised and updated seventh edition of this standard work for students, scholars, and policymakers takes into account the broad changes in federal assistance programs since 1991. It reviews the steady erosion of entitlement programs to families with dependent children, single-parent households, youth, veterans, and the elderly. Most particularly, it looks at the impact of the 1996 welfare reform that dramatically reconfigured the aid landscape.Following an examination of the characteristics of the American poor, the book analyzes four strategies of assistance programs: income maintenance programs directed mainly at the poor who are outside the work force; programs supplying goods and services; programs designed to prevent the spread of poverty to new generations; and programs to aid the working poor. The concluding chapter explores feasible approaches to the alleviation of poverty. "A compact though detailed appraisal of U.S. government programs undertaken on behalf of the poor... a comfortable and fact-filled reference, generous in opinion and descriptive detail." -- American Political Science Review, reviewing a previous edition

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