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Understanding business

Autor: William G. Nickels
Rok: 1987
ISBN: 9780801636271
OKCZID: 110352391

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
NICKELS, William G. Understanding business. St. Louis: Times Mirror/Mosby College Publishing, 1987. xxix, 721 p.



The extensive customer-driven development of this book's fifth edition led to a product message that instructors flocked to, and we achieved unprecedented growth. That message, which includes the key elements of custom focus, technology, authorship, and package, has been honed even further throughout the new edition's development. This sixth edition has been through an intense, customer-driven development plan; with the help of more than 200 professors, it is poised to be an even more effective teaching and learning resource than ever before. In addition to traditional manuscript reviews, twelve focus groups were conducted all around the US that lead to important insights regarding the teaching needs of both full-time and part-time teachers of this course. The book benefits from student survey feedback as well. Nowhere has the technology explosion been more felt than in the Introduction to Business course. The popular and robust website is enhanced for the sixth edition, and includes such features as web-based projects, links to professional resources, and Powerweb, as well as other exciting instructor support tools. In addition to the e-learning sessions that put the course content in context for the student audience, there is a self-quizzing function, a multi-lingual glossary (with audio pronunciation of key terms/definitions), internet exercises, and even crossword puzzles to help student master the course content in an engaging fashion. No one can deny the unique perspective this author team has to offer. Bill Nickels is a 4-year school Intro to Business teacher; Jim McHugh is a community college Intro to Business teacher, Susan McHugh is an educational consultant. Authors who teach the course are unique among competitors in this market.

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