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Democracy and democratization : processes and prospects in a changing world

Autor: Sorensen, Georg.
Rok: c1993.
ISBN: 9780813315270
ISBN: 9780813315263
OKCZID: 110358568

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
SORENSEN, Georg. Democracy and democratization: processes and prospects in a changing world. Boulder: Westview Press, c1993. xv, 170 s. Dilemmas in world politics.



This book examines the prospects for democracy in the world today and analyzes the central dilemmas confronting all states touched by the process of democratization. It clarifies the concept of democracy, shows its application in different contexts and questions whether democratic advancement will continue - and if so, at what price? The consequences of democracy for economic development, human rights, and peaceful relations among countries are illuminated in both their positive and negative aspects. The book also includes study questions and suggested further readings.

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