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Human Societies: Introduction to Macrosociology

Rok: 1990
ISBN: 9780070372429
OKCZID: 110367159

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
LENSKI, Gerhard Emmanuel, Patrick NOLAN a Jean LENSKI. Human societies: an introduction to macrosociology. 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1991, c1970, 511 s. ISBN 0-07-037242-X.



This new edition provides a comparative and historical analysis of human societies. Written from the perspective of an evolutionary and ecological theory of change, new material on the revolutionary Socialist Societies of Eastern Europe has been incorporated. It will appeal particularly to lecturers who prefer a comparative approach to sociology. Special features of the book include a macrosociological approach to sociology, identifying the major concepts of sociology and the relation that each concept holds to the others; a comprehensive "map" of the social world as a whole, to help students see their own society in a new and broader perspective; and an emphasis on the notion of social change to heighten the awareness of students to the extent of change there will be in their own lives and to the forces which will be responsible.

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