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American federalism and public policy : how the system works

Autor: Anton, Thomas Julius
Rok: 1989
ISBN: 9780394353623
OCLC Number: (OCoLC)18052163
OKCZID: 110373567

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ANTON, Thomas Julius. American federalism and public policy: how the system works. New York: Random House, 1989. 244 s.



This is a study of the ways in which the federal, state, and local governments share responsibility for policies, producing a system that combines uniformity and diversity. While numerous empirical studies in recent years have detailed particular examples of reforms in federalism, there has been no widely accepted theory by which to evaluate the significance of those details. Thomas Anton synthesizes the particulars to discover what is true in general about the state of American Federalism. He uses a "benefits coalition" conceptual framework on which to organize his discussion. The author sees the purpose of American government as the creation and distribution of benefits to designated populations. He identifies three main types of benefits, which are directed toward individuals both outside and within government: (1) economic—the improvement of economic well-being; (2) juridical—assigning rights and obligations, as in determining eligibility to vote; and (3) symbolic—for example, in designating holidays and in fostering public activities that promote pride in and support for the system. Because of their profound affect on the quality of our lives as well as their increasing cost, the policies and programs jointly pursued by American governments are the focus of reform proposals that now occupy a prominent position on the national agenda. For these and other reasons, Anton's analytical and broadly defined discussion of American Federalism is especially timely.

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