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Tradition in Late Antique Sculpture : Conservation - Modernization - Production

Autor: Hannestad, Niels
Rok: 1994
ISBN: 9770901055003
ISBN: 9770065135009
ISBN: 9788772884424
OKCZID: 110378549

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
HANNESTAD, Niels. Tradition in Late Antique Sculpture: Conservation - Modernization - Production. Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 1994. 166 s. Acta Jutlandica, 69:2.



An examination of the reworking and reuse of marble sculpture in the late Roman period, a subject that has previously been neglected. Whilst repair and reuse of Antique sculpture has been common since the Renaissance - often for spurious reasons - Hannestad argues that well-known monuments like the Ara Pacis actually represent several working phases, with late Antiquity often setting the final stamp upon a monument, and he explores the implications of this on our understanding of the sculptural scenery of this period.

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