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The European Sisyphus: Essays On Europe, 1964-1994 (The New Europe : Interdisciplinary Perspectives)

Rok: 1995
ISBN: 9780813323800
OKCZID: 110396676

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
HOFFMANN, Stanley. The European Sisyphus: essays on Europe, 1964-1994. Boulder: Westview Press, 1995. x, 326 s. The new Europe. Interdisciplinary Perspectives.



Exploring the development and difficulties of European integration, Stanley Hoffmann's essays demonstrate that many of the divisions that trouble the European Union have plagued it from its very beginning. Hoffmann provides a view of evolution and change as well as an examination of the crises and turning points in the history of European integration. Scholars will welcome the opportunity to have these works-most long unavailable-within one volume; students will find Hoffmann's consistent and cohesive vision an invaluable guide to understanding the evolution of European union.

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