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The seven minute screenplay | |||||||||||
Autor: Jech, Pavel Hodnocení: 3.0 / 5 (1 hlasů) AnotaceTHE SEVEN MINUTE SCREENPLAY is both a grammar of fundamental dramatic principles., and a primer on the process of screenwriting. The manual is intended to prepare students for writing full-length feature films through the structured exercise of writing a screenplay for a seven minute film. Guidelines for the exercise are detailed and an approach to creating the short form is outlined, with each step in the process explained. The steps include character exploration, finding a problem that would force character development, imagining the struggle, pitching the story, preparing the treatment, writing the first draft, and rewriting for character, plot, visual iconography and sensitivity to the active participation of the viewer. Written largely from screenwriter Pavel Jech's (Dean of FAMU). Dostupné zdroje