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The economics of European integration

Autor: Baldwin, Richard E.
Rok: c2009
ISBN: 9780077121631
OKCZID: 110420651
Vydání: 3rd ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BALDWIN, Richard E. The economics of European integration. 3rd ed. London: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2006. xxii, 596 s.



The Economics of European Integration, 2/e provides students with an accessible presentation of the facts, theories and controversies driving rapid change in the heart of Europe. The authors combine essential elements of European history, institutions, law, politics and policies with clear and accessible explanations of the economic principles of European integration. The result is an expert analysis of the contemporary status of integration within the European Union. This second edition has been thoroughly updated and expanded to incorporate recent developments within the European Union, and to reflect current teaching in European Economics. New material in this edition includes coverage of economic integration, labour markets and migration; EU competition and state aid policy; and EU trade policy. Designed for students taking modules in European economics, the book offers a rigorous yet clear exposition of economic arguments alongside examples, illustrations, and questions that bring this contemporary topic to life.

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