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Strategic Sport Communication

Rok: 2007
ISBN: 9780736065245
NKP-CNB: boa001-muni.000612407
OKCZID: 110431317

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
PEDERSEN, Paul Mark. Strategic sport communication. Champaign: Human Kinetics, c2007. xi, 396 s.



Strategic Sport Communication is the first text that encompasses the vast, varied, and exciting field of sport communication. Using communication theory and sport literature, and drawing on the authors' own rich experiences as sport communication professionals, Strategic Sport Communication introduces readers to all aspects of the sport communication industry and how each is integral to the management, marketing, and operational goals of sport organizations at all levels. Using their Strategic Sport Communication Model (SSCM), the authors outline the process of sport communication and categorize its various aspects into three major components: personal and organizational communication, sport mass media, and sport communication services and support. The SSCM provides the first conception of sport communication as a distinct discipline and gives readers a thorough understanding of sport communicaton and its impact in the world of sport. Students will explore the many careers in the industry and discover how sport organizations can use their knowledge for greater success.With Strategic Sport Communication, readers will achieve both a depth and breadth of sport communication knowledge through discussion of topics such as these:-The history, development, and definition of sport communication, including the effects of trends, pioneers, and the dynamic growth of the sport industry-Career options in sport communication and keys to entering the field, including self-evaluation, education, marketability, networking, experiential learning, and job searching-The intersection of sport communication with sociological and cultural issues related to enjoyment, marketability of violence, gender, race and ethnicity, and nationalism-The ability of sport communication to reflect, create, shape, reinforce, and sustain myths, values, perceptions, power structures, socialization, social policies, and beliefs within a society -An analysis of the history and impact of the unique relationship between athletes and the press-A discussion of the legal rights of those in sport journalism to acquire, report, and publish information relative to athetes and sport entities -Technology's impact on legal issues in sport communication from real-time scores to fantasy sports leaguesReaders of Strategic Sport Communication will enjoy the interesting interplay of theoretical findings and insights from sport communication professionals. Each chapter opens with a vignette designed to help readers translate the chapter topic into practice. Further learning opportunities are offered at the end of each chapter through chapter summaries, reviews with discussion questions, suggested exercises, and additional study references in a variety of formats. These learning tools, along with the accessible writing style, promote comprehension for a variety of learning styles. Strategic Sport Communication is the definitive text for those who want to gain a comprehensive understanding of the emerging field of sport communication. Through the examination of key research, current trends, industry demands, and the organizational value of sport communication, readers will gain a thorough grounding in the diverse areas the field offers for both academic study and professional practice.

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