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Hatje Cantz Andreas Gursky

Rok: 2008
ISBN: 9783775720199
OKCZID: 110434098

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
SÖNTGEN, Beate. Andreas Gursky. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2007. 127 s.



Famed worldwide for his epically proportioned photographs, Andreas Gursky is one of very few contemporary artists able to represent cultures of excessive information--which he does through images of supermarket wares, crowds, trash, architecture and nature. The extreme detail of Gursky's final image--achieved by digital restructuring--produces a vertiginous effect on the viewer, as it oscillates between total representation and total abstraction. It could be said that Gursky updates the eighteenth-century sublime for our times.This publication surveys the artist's most recent creations, on display at the renowned Kunstmuseum Basel throughout the winter of 2007/2008. Two new groups of works in particular, one on Formula 1 races and the other on the famous Arirang Festival (a closely choreographed mass spectacle in North Korea's capital of Pyongyang), are gathered here.

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