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Exploring Computer Science with Scheme (Undergraduate Texts in Computer Science)

Rok: 1997
ISBN: 9780387948959
OKCZID: 110465254

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
GRILLMEYER, Oliver. Exploring computer science with scheme. New York: Springer, c1998. xxxii, 579 s. Undergraduate texts in computer science.



A presentation of the central and basic concepts, techniques, and tools of computer science, with the emphasis on presenting a problem-solving approach and on providing a survey of all of the most important topics covered in degree programmes. Scheme is used throughout as the programming language and the author stresses a functional programming approach to create simple functions so as to obtain the desired programming goal. Such simple functions are easily tested individually, which greatly helps in producing programs that work correctly first time. Throughout, the author aids to writing programs, and makes liberal use of boxes with "Mistakes to Avoid." Programming examples include: * abstracting a problem; * creating pseudo code as an intermediate solution; * top-down and bottom-up design; * building procedural and data abstractions; * writing progams in modules which are easily testable. Numerous exercises help readers test their understanding of the material and develop ideas in greater depth, making this an ideal first course for all students coming to computer science for the first time.

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