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Encyclopedia of Database Technologies and Applications

Rok: 2005
ISBN: 9781591407959
OKCZID: 110487474

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
RIVERO, Laura C., ed., DOORN, Jorge H., ed. a FERRAGGINE, Viviana E., ed. Encyclopedia of database technologies and applications. Hershey: Idea group Reference, c2006. 744, 10, 10 s.



The Encyclopedia of Database Technologies and Applications is a wide-ranging collection of diverse coverage of topics related to database concepts, technologies, and applications. This encyclopedia provides an overview of the state-of-the-art of classical subjects and has contributions from over 175 international researchers from 33 countries, more than 970 terms and definitions and over 2,400 references. It also delivers clear and concise explanations of emerging issues and technologies such as multimedia database systems, data warehousing and mining, geospatial and temporal databases, and data reverse engineering. The Encyclopedia of Database Technologies and Applications is a priceless single reference source for any library on the topic of database technologies and applications.

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