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Sputtering by Particle Bombardment: Experiments and Computer Calculations from Threshold to MeV Energies (Topics in Applied Physics)

Rok: 2007
ISBN: 9783540445005
OKCZID: 110491009



This volume gives a comprehensive overview about the physical processes causing sputtering of solids at bombardment with energetic ions. The most important quantities are the sputtering yields, i.e. the average number of atoms eroded per incident ion. The latest results for the sputtering yields and their dependence on the incident energy and angle of incidence, as well as the energy and angular distributions of the sputtered atoms are presented. This concerns experimentally determined yields as well as a critical evaluation of the computational methods used to calculate the yields and distributions. The energies of the incident ions cover the range between a few eV up to several MeV. The influence of chemical effects between the incident ions and the atoms of the bombarded solid on the sputtering yields are also reviewed.

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