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Italian waters pilot : a yatchsman’s guide to the west and south coasts of Italy with the islands of Sardinia, Sicily and Malta

Autor: Heikell, Rod
Rok: 2006
ISBN: 9780852889138
OKCZID: 110499668
Vydání: Fully revised 7th ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
HEIKELL, Rod a MICHELL, Lucinda, ed. Italian waters pilot: a yatchsman’s guide to the west and south coasts of Italy with the islands of Sardinia, Sicily and Malta. Fully revised 7th ed. St. Ives: Imray Laurie Norie & Wilson, 2006. viii, 453 s.



The 6th edition contains substantial revisions. Rod Heikell has updated the detailed content throughout the work. Italian Waters Pilot is the only pilot in English to cover the West Coast of Italy, Sardinia and Sicily to the Ionian and is a companion to Rod Heikell's pilots on France, Greece and Turkey.

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