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The speciation and biogeography of birds | |||||
Autor: Ian Newton AnotaceThis book should be of value to anyone interested in bird evolution and taxonomy, biogeography, distributional history, dispersal and migration patterns. It provides an up-to-date synthesis of current knowledge on species formation, and the factors influencing current distribution patterns. It draws heavily on new information on Earth history, including past glacial and other climatic changes, on new developments in molecular biology and palaeontology, and on recent studies of bird distribution and migration patterns, to produce a coherent account of the factors that have influenced bird species diversity and distribution patterns worldwide.Received the Best Bird Book of the Year award for 2004 from British Birds magazine. * Winner of the British Birds/British Trust for Ornithology, Bird Book of the Year 2004!* The first book to deal comprehensively with bird speciation and biogeography* Up-to-date synthesis of new information* Clearly written* No previous book covers the same ground* Many maps and diagrams* Makes difficult and widely scattered information accessible and easily understood* A sound base for future research* Takes full account of recent developments in molecular biology Dostupné zdroje