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Full Moon

Rok: 1999
ISBN: 9780224051286
NKP-CNB: cba001-m0085033
OKCZID: 110533028

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
LIGHT, Michael. Full moon. London: Jonathan Cape, 1999. ca 250 s.



"Full Moon" is a visual journey to the moon and back. In the course of the Apollo missions, the astronauts took 32,000 photographs. These were shot on Hasselblad cameras with remarkable definition. The original film has been stored in special conditions by NASA, but the second generation of films is referred to as the 'masters'. For the first time, NASA has allowed the 'masters' to leave Houston and 900 photographs have been scanned in California under the direction of Michael Light. The resulting prints are of unprecedented quality and beauty. From editing these photographs, Michael Light has constructed a composite journey including the launch, a walk in space, an orbit of the moon, a landing and exploration of the lunar surface, and a return to earth. The result is a sequence that explores not only the aesthetics of space but the ultimate landscape photography. The publication will be a millennial landmark and will coincide with the thirtieth anniversary of the first lunar landing.

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