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Islam in Europe: Diversity, Identity and Influence

Rok: 2008
ISBN: 9780521677516
OKCZID: 110538904

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Islam in Europe: diversity, identity and influence. 1st pub. Editor ʿAzīz ʿAẒMAH, editor Effie FOKAS. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007, 223 s. ISBN 978-0-521-67751-6.



Events over recent years have increased the global interest in Islam. This volume seeks to combat generalisations about the Muslim presence in Europe by illuminating its diversity across Europe and offering a more realistic, highly differentiated picture. It contends with the monist concept of identity that suggests Islam is the shared and main definition of Muslims living in Europe. The contributors also explore the influence of the European Union on the Muslim communities within its borders, and examine how the EU is in turn affected by the Muslim presence in Europe. This book comes at a critical moment in the evolution of the place of Islam within Europe and will appeal to scholars, students and practitioners in the fields of European studies, politics and policies of the European Union, sociology, sociology of religion, and international relations. It also addresses the wider framework of uncertainties and unease about religion in Europe.

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