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Bromley's Family Law

Rok: 2006
ISBN: 9780406959515
OKCZID: 110540649

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
LOWE, N. V a Gillian DOUGLAS. Bromley's family law. 10th ed. Oxford ;, New York: Oxford University Press, 2007, 1153 s. ISBN 978-0-406-95951-5.



Bromley's Family Law remains the most authoritative textbook on the subject and has been used by generations of both students and practitioners as a reliable source of guidance. It is both detailed and readable, and offers the fullest consideration of new developments and their impact on family law. It offers an especially thorough treatment of the international dimension, including the development of European principles of family law, which is becoming increasingly important for a full understanding of the subject.

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