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How the European Union works : a citizen's guide to the EU institutions | |||||
Rok: 2003 AnotaceIn just half a century, the European Union (EU) has achieved remarkable things. It has delivered peace between its member states and prosperity for its citizens. It has created a single European currency (the euro) and a frontier-free ‘single market’ where goods, people, services and capital move around freely. The EU has grown from six to fifteen countries and it is preparing to embrace a dozen more. It has become a major trading power and a world leader in fields such as environmental protection and development aid. The EU’s success owes a lot to the way it works — its unique method of interaction between institutions such as the European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission, supported by a number of agencies. This booklet gives a comprehensive overview of what each institution or agency does and how it is organised. The aim is to provide a helpful guide to the EU’s decision-making system. Dostupné zdroje