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Dictionnaire des expressions et locutions figurées

Autor: Alain Rey, Sophie Chantreau
Rok: 1989
ISBN: 9782850360671
OKCZID: 110545909
Vydání: Nouv. ed. rev. et augm.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
REY, Alain a Sophie CHANTREAU-RAZUMIEV. Dictionnaire des expressions et locutions. Nouvelle revue et augmentée ed. Paris: Le Robert, 1984, 1035 s. Les usuels du Robert. ISBN 2-85036-067-8.



This is a series of paperback dictionaries one of each on the following themes: Thesaurus ("synonymes et nuances" 9782849022610); Difficulties with French ("Difficultes du francais" 9782849022672); Expression and idioms ("Expressions et locutions" 9782849022665); French quotations (2 Volumes) ("Citations francaises tome 1" 9782849022641 and "tome 2" 9782849022658); Proverbs and sayings ("proverbes et dictons" 9782849023242); Quotations from the world ("citations du monde" 9782849024225); Spelling ("orthographe" 9782849022627); words together - thesaurus in context ("combinaisons de mots" 9782849024485); Etymology ("Etymologique" 9782849024249). Each book has between 800 and 1280 pages and is in Paperback (11 X 18 cms). There is also a larger flexi bound version of each title 'library edition' available.

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