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Naive: Modernism and Folklore in Contemporary Graphic Design

Rok: 2009
ISBN: 9783899552478
OKCZID: 110553943

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
KLANTEN, Robert, ed. a HELLIGE, Hendrik, ed. Naive: modernism and folklore in contemporary graphic design. Berlin: Gestalten, 2009. 175 s.



Naïve documents the return of classical graphic design reminiscent of the 1940s to 1960s in contemporarygraphic design. The naive is a childlikeness, where it is no longer expected. Friedrich vonSchillerA minimalist design vocabulary is currently being reinvented by a troop of younggraphic designers who are rediscovering the stylistic elements reminiscent ofclassic graphic design such as silkscreen printing, classical typography, handlettering, woodcutting and folk art and integrating them into their work. Naïvedocuments this extraordinary renaissance of Classic Modernism, from the 1940sto 1960s, in contemporary graphic design.Inspired by twentieth century American legends such as Saul Bass, the undisputedmaster of film title design and iconic logos as well as modernist graphic artistCharley Harper and textile designer Alexander Girard, these burgeoning designersare creating new and striking imagery using palettes of earthy and pastel shades,reduced strokes, patterns and shapes with a strong folkloristic element.Naïve illustrates this new development in graphic design, assembling a multitudeof vivid and inspiring examples ranging from illustrations, poster art, editorials,book covers and record sleeves to stationery and textiles.

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