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A Place on the Corner, Second Edition (Fieldwork Encounters and Discoveries)

Rok: 2003
ISBN: 9780226019598
OKCZID: 110556127

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ANDERSON, Elijah. A place on the corner. 2nd ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2004. xvi, 271 s.



This paperback edition of A Place on the Corner marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of Elijah Anderson's sociological classic, a study of street corner life at a local barroom/liquor store located in the ghetto on Chicago's South Side. Anderson returned night after night, month after month, to gain a deeper understanding of the people he met, vividly depicting how they created—and recreated—their local stratification system. In addition, Anderson introduces key sociological concepts, including "the extended primary group" and "being down." The new preface and appendix in this edition expand on Anderson's original work, telling the intriguing story of how he went about his field work among the men who frequented Jelly's corner.

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