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From Lodestone to Supermagnets: Understanding Magnetic Phenomena

Rok: 2005
ISBN: 9783527405572
OKCZID: 110567775

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
GUIMARAES, Alberto Passos. From lodestone to supermagnets: understanding magnetic phenomena. Weinheim: WILEY-VCH, c2005. xi, 236 s.



This easily accessible description charts the historical development of magnetism -- dating back some three thousand years. A. P. Guimarães starts with the Greeks, with the first records of magnetism, and ends with hard disks and magnetic resonance imaging. Nowadays every electric and electronic device involves the use of magnets, such that magnetic devices, including magnetic media and recording equipment, represent a world market of over 100 billion dollars each year. Enjoyable reading for graduates, physics students, libraries, public libraries, school libraries, those interested in the natural sciences, lay readers, historians of physics.

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