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Philosophy and the Sciences of Exercise, Health and Sport: Critical Perspectives on Research Methods

Rok: 2005
ISBN: 9780415353403
OKCZID: 110572553

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Philosophy and the sciences of exercise, health and sport: critical perspectives on research methods. 1st pub. Editor M. J. MCNAMEE. London: Routledge, 2005, 253 s. ISBN 0-415-35340-8.



Should we trust scientific research? Do 'the facts' really speak for themselves? Philosophy and the Sciences of Exercise, Health and Sport critically reflects on the nature and aims of scientific enquiry in these disciplines. The book addresses the underlying assumptions and development of both the very idea of science itself and what shape scientific enquiries ought to take in the fields of exercise, health and sport. Written by a range of prestigious and internationally respected philosophers, scientists and social scientists, each chapter addresses a key issue in research methodology. Questions raised by the authors include: * Do natural and social scientists need to understand philosophy of science?* Are statistics are misused in sport and exercise science research?* Is sport science research gender-biased?* How do external and commercial interests skew professional guidelines in health and sport research?* Can scientists make claims without attempting to falsify as well as to confirm their theses?  

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