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Plato: Alcibiades (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics)

Rok: 2001
ISBN: 9780521634144
OKCZID: 110573548

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
DENYER, Nicholas, ed. Alcibiades. 1st publ. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. xi, 254 s. Cambridge Greek and Latin classics.



The Alcibiades was widely read in antiquity as the very best introduction to Plato. In spite of its ancient reputation, many modern scholars have thought that the Alcibiades is not by Plato and it has therefore lacked a decent commentary. This edition remedies that situation. The notes explain difficulties of linguistic, literary and philosophical detail. The introduction includes a discussion of the dialogue's authenticity, and of the consequences that acknowledging its authenticity has for our conception of Plato's intellectual development.

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