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Legal Traditions of the World: Sustainable Diversity in Law

Rok: 2007
ISBN: 9780199205417
OKCZID: 110574065

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
GLENN, H. Patrick. Legal traditions of the world: sustainable diversity in law. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. xxvi, 395 s.



This prize-winning work offers a major new means of conceptualizing law and legal relations across the world. National laws are placed in the broader context of major legal traditions, those of chthonic (or indigenous) law, Talmudic law, civil law, Islamic law, common law, Hindu law, and Asian law. Each tradition is examined in terms of its institutions and substantive law, its founding concepts and methods, its attitude towards the concept of change, and its teaching on relations with other traditions and peoples. Legal traditions are explained in terms of multivalent and non-conflictual forms of logic and thought. This title is suitable for both undergraduates and postgraduates in comparative law courses worldwide. It may also be of interest to those studying legal history, legal philosophy, international development, international human rights, and international business. Features · Was awarded the Grand Prize of the International Academy of International Law. · Offers comprehensive coverage of all major legal traditions and their contexts. · Incorporates a level of scholarship and analysis that surpasses all other comparative law textbooks. · Adopts a genuinely global perspective, making it an invaluable resource for courses worldwide.

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