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Interactions: a Thematic Reader

Rok: 1991
ISBN: 9780395554258
OKCZID: 110575152



INTERACTIONS: A THEMATIC READER is designed to help students discover meaning in what they read and to convey meaning in what they write. The text's readings and accompanying apparatus--which have been class tested and proven effective through seven previous editions--guide students from a consideration of self to an awareness of how the self interacts with other people and phenomena. The book explains to students the process and interdependence of reading and writing, stressing the connections students can make between their own experiences and what they read. It also introduces them to prewriting techniques such as freewriting, brainstorming, mapping, clustering, and journals. Reading selections are organized into thematic units that guide students from a consideration of self to an examination of close human relationships and finally to more abstract topics such as work and society. The selections represent a wide range of voices, topics, and sources, including a balance of male and female authors and significant contributions by culturally diverse writers. This diversity allows students both to encounter new voices and to identify with familiar ones. The readings also provide students with effective models and styles of writing.

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