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A Crisis of global institutions? : multilateralism and international security

Autor: Newman, Edward
Rok: 2007
ISBN: 9780415411653
OKCZID: 110575968

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
NEWMAN, Edward. A Crisis of global institutions?: multilateralism and international security. London: Routledge, 2007. xiv, 184 s. Routledge global institutions.


The legitimacy of global institutions which address security challenges is in question. The manner in which they make decisions and the interests they reflect often falls short of twenty-first century expectations and norms of good governance. Also, their performance has raised doubts about their ability to address contemporary challenges such as civil wars, weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, and the use of military force in international politics. Addressing topical issues, such as the war against Iraq in 2003 and terrorism, and presenting provocative arguments, A Crisis of Global Institutions? explores the sources of the challenge to multilateralism – including US pre-eminence, the changing nature of international security, and normative concerns about the way decisions are taken in international organizations. Edward Newman argues that whilst some such challenges are a sign of ‘crisis’, many others are representative of ‘normality’ and continuity in international relations. Nevertheless, it is essential to consider how multilateralism might be more viably constituted to cope with contemporary and future demands.

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