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Borderline Personality Disorder: A Multidimensional Approach | |||||
Rok: 1994 AnotaceThe etiology of borderline personality disorder is essentially unknown. Although many well-known theoretical formulations remain the best possible hypotheses, much of what has been suggested thus far for the management of BPD has proved impractical in a majority of cases. Written by an expert in the field of BPD, Borderline Personality Disorder presents a practical approach to the management of patients with this disorder. Designed for readers who are skeptical of facile explanations, this book provides a broader view of the etiology of BPD than has been presented in previous studies. Readers will not only appreciate the review of the current research but also its theoretical integration into practice. Borderline Personality Disorderhas two goals: -to build a comprehensive theory of etiology which takes into account biological, psychological, and social factors. -to suggest treatment guidelines which are consistent with this theory, and which are based on the findings of clinical trials. Based on the most up-to-date clinical research available, Borderline Personality Disorder shows how these complex disorders are shaped by biological vulnerability, brought on by psychological experiences, and influenced by social conditions. Dostupné zdroje