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Cardiac surgery

Autor: Seifert, Patricia C.
Rok: cop. 1994
ISBN: 9780801665424
OKCZID: 110576551
Vydání: [1st ed.]

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
SEIFERT, Patricia C. Cardiac surgery. [1st ed.]. St.Louis: Mosby, 1994. xv, 496 s. Mosby's perioperative nursing series, Mosby's perioperative nursing series.



This is a comprehensive reference for nurses involved with all aspects of cardiac surgery. It discusses the foundations of cardiac surgical nursing, and then details pre-, intra- and postoperative responsibilities for more than 60 procedures. The information provided should be of use to perioperative nurses in all roles and at all levels of expertise. Photographs of key steps in procedures prepare nurses to better understand and execute their responsibilities. Line drawings accompany the photographs to show structures and techniques that are difficult to see in actual surgery. Patient teaching is highlighted to stress the importance of self-care.

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