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Nuclear cardiac imaging : principles and applications

Rok: c2008
ISBN: 9780195311198
OKCZID: 110576564
Vydání: 4th ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ISKANDRIAN, Ami E., ed. a GARCIA, Ernest V., ed. Nuclear cardiac imaging: principles and applications. 4th ed. New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Press, c2008. xvi, 732 s.



Nuclear cardiac imaging refers to cardiac radiological diagnostic techniques performed with the aid of radiopharmaceuticals, which are perfused into the myocardium as markers. These imaging studies provide a wide range of information about the heart, including the contractility of the heart, the amount of blood supply to the heart and whether parts of the heart muscle are alive or dead. This is essential information for cardiologists, and nuclear imaging has become an increasingly important part of the cardiologist's armamentarium.Iskandrian's text has become a leading book in the field and the fourth edition will continue the tradition. The text is completely updated to reflect the many advances in the field, and, as a new feature, each chapter concludes with a Q&A session on important and difficult clinical issues.

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