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Immunological and Molecular Aspects of Bacterial Virulence

Rok: 1995
ISBN: 9780471952510
OKCZID: 110579436



The living mammalian host provides a unique environment for bacterial colonisation. It is not only subject to passive change but has evolved highly specialised mechanisms, together constituting the immune system, to actively discourage microbial colonisation. It brings together under one cover aspects of the human immune response to bacteria and the genetic systems of pathogenic bacteria as well as details of the bacterial molecules involved in virulence. Although biased towards pathogenic bacteria of humans, the principles covered are equally applicable to veterinary pathogens. Immunological and Molecular Aspects of Bacterial Virulence caters for undergraduate and postgraduate science students of human and veterinary bacteriology who wish to gain a better understanding of the fundamental aspects of bacterial virulence.

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