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Elements of cartography

Autor: Robinson, Arthur H.
Rok: 1978
ISBN: 9780471044895
OKCZID: 110590187
Vydání: 4th ed.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
ROBINSON, Arthur H. Elements of cartography. 4th ed. New York: Wiley, 1978. 448 s.



Recognized as the classic resource in cartography, this text continues to integrate the latest modern technology with traditional cartographic principles. The balanced author team provides a solid conceptual foundation in the basic principles of cartography while introducing the newest technological advances which have greatly altered modern cartographic techniques. New features include a complete updating of topical data and a shift in emphasis from ``small-scale to all-scale maps.'' Systematic coverage is given to both theory and applications with all basic mapmaking tools presented including formulas, tables and constants.

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