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James Mill: Political Writings (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought)

Rok: 1992
ISBN: 9780521387484
OKCZID: 110591941

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
MILL, James a BALL, Terence, ed. Political writings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. xxxvii, 317 s. Cambridge texts in the history of political thought.



James Mill (1773-1836) is today best known as Jeremy Bentham's chief disciple and John Stuart Mill's father. Yet Mill himself was a formidable and important Utilitarian thinker in his own right, who earned the respect of even those who disagreed with him. His range was enormous (historian, political philosopher, psychologist, educational theorist, and economist), repeatedly crossing the disciplinary boundaries we take for granted today. This volume presents a wide sampling of Mill's political writings and polemical essays. It begins with his classic work, the Essay on Government, it also includes pieces on the protection of rights, the importance of education, the free press, the secret ballot, and government's use of punishment against those who violate the rights of fellow citizens. The collection concludes with Macauley's famous critique of the Essay, and Mill's heretofore unnoticed reply in his Fragment on Mackintosh (1835). This is the first time that such a selection of Mill's political works has appeared as one volume.

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