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Human physiology

Rok: 1989
ISBN: 9783540194323
OKCZID: 110592885
Vydání: 2nd ed., rev.

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
SCHMIDT, Robert F., ed. a THEWS, Gerhard, ed. Human physiology. Překlad Marguerite A. BIEDERMAN-THORSON. 2nd ed., rev. Berlin: Springer, 1989. XVIII, 825 s.



This book, intended primarily as a comprehensive textbook of human physiology for medical students has been thoroughly revised. So that recent findings could be included in a volume of manageable size, the subject matter has been reorganized and partially condensed. General aspects of cell physiology and intercellular communication are now presented in one introductory section, making room for separate chapters on nociception and pain, sexual functions, reproduction and pregnancy, and aging. There are new chapters by authors who have not contributed to previous editions (the chapters on general sensory physiology, endocrinology, gastrointestinal functions, the kidneys, and water and electrolyte balance), and some of the earlier contributors have taken on new responsibilities corresponding to their present scientific interests. The emphasis on pathophysiological aspects has been retained, so that the student is provided with a link to clinical medicine. Many of the illustrations have been replaced or redrawn, to ensure a clear presentation of even the most complex relationships. As a compilation of current knowledge by 23 eminent authorities, with an extensive index, the book will also be a useful reference for clinical physicians and for scientists in fields such as pharmacology, biochemistry, zoology, physiology, and biology.

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