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Urban Land Use Planning, Fifth Edition

Rok: 2006
ISBN: 9780252030796
OKCZID: 110593466

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
BERKE, Philip. Urban land use planning. Fifth edition. Urbana ;, Chicago: University of Illinois Press, [2006]. x, 490 stran.


Divided into three sections, this edition of "Urban Land Use Planning" deftly balances an authoritative, up-to-date discussion of current practices with a vision of what land use planning should become. It explores the societal context of land use planning and proposes a model for understanding and reconciling the divergent priorities among competing stakeholders; it explains how to build planning support systems to assess future conditions, evaluate policy choices, create visions, and compare scenarios; and it sets forth a methodology for creating plans that will influence future land use change. Discussions new to the fifth edition include how to incorporate the three Es of sustainable development (economy, environment, and equity) into sustainable communities, methods for including livability objectives and techniques, the integration of transportation and land use, the use of digital media in planning support systems, and collective urban design based on analysis and public participation.

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