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Essential Papers on Judaism and Christianity in Conflict (Essential Papers on Jewish Studies)

Rok: 1991
ISBN: 9780814714430
OKCZID: 110594092

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
COHEN, Jeremy, ed. Essential papers on Judaism and Christianity in conflict: from late antiquity to the reformation. London: New York University Press, [1991]. xiv, 578 stran. Essential papers on Jewish studies.



For the student of Jewish history, the topic of this book bears upon the very foundations of Jewish experience in Mediterranean and Western societies during the last two thousand years. Essay contributions from David Flusser, Wayne A. Meeks, S.G.F. Brandon, Marcel Simon, Rosemary Radford Ruether, B. Blumenkranz, Solomon Grayzel, H. Liebeschutz, Lester K. Little, Cecil Roth, Jeremy Cohen, Mark U. Edwards, Jr., Salo W. Baron, Kenneth R. Stow, Lawrence H. Schiffman, Jacob Katz, Ivan G. Marcus, David Berger, and David B. Ruderman.

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