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Young children with disabilities in natural environments : methods & procedures

Autor: Noonan, Mary Jo
Rok: c2006
ISBN: 9781557668615
OKCZID: 110597069

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
NOONAN, Mary Jo. Young children with disabilities in natural environments: methods & procedures. London: Paul H. Brookes, c2006. xiii, 376 s.



With its comprehensive coverage of instruction and intervention practices in natural environments, this is the essential methods textbook for preservice educators and therapists preparing to work with young children who have disabilities. Focusing on children from birth to age 5, this text gives future professionals a wealth of specific, practical knowledge on a range of critical procedures for working with children effectively. Preservice practitioners will benefit from the features that set this book apart from other early intervention texts, including in-depth information on assessing and intervening with children who have severe disabilities and autism; explicit guidance on the actual methods professionals should use when working with children; an integrated, non-categorical approach that weaves together information across disabilities, developmental domains, and ages; and guidelines on how to use naturalistic and systematic instruction together. Readers will find this text accessible and easy to use: each chapter starts with a list of focus points, ends with a concise summary and challenging study questions, and includes examples that illustrate the strategies. With its comprehensive coverage of instruction and intervention practices in natural environments, this is the essential methods textbook for preservice educators and therapists preparing to work with young children who have disabilities. Focusing on children from birth to age 5, this text gives future professionals a wealth of specific, practical knowledge on a range of critical procedures for working with children effectively. Preservice practitioners will benefit from the features that set this book apart from other early intervention texts, including: in-depth, practical information on assessing and intervening with children who have severe disabilities and autism; clear, explicit guidance on the actual methods professionals should use when working with children; an integrated, non-categorical approach that weaves together information across disabilities, developmental domains; and ages guidelines on how to use naturalistic and systematic instruction together a strong focus throughout the book on cultural competence Students will find this text accessible and easy to use: each chapter starts with a bulleted list of focus points; ends with a concise, helpful summary and challenging study questions; and includes realistic examples that illustrate the suggested techniques and strategies. These reader-friendly features also make this book a useful resource for professional development with in-service interventionists and educators, who can use the practical information and ideas to inform their work with young children. Growing from the authors' original work in the successful "Early Intervention in Natural Environments: Methods and Procedures", this book will prepare future educators and therapists to work successfully with young children who have disabilities.

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