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Rok: 1994
ISBN: 9780873226967
OKCZID: 110598270



SportParent is a practical and easy-to-read book that will guide parents as they support their child's participation in sport. The book shows parents how they can become active partners with coaches to provide children with beneficial, enjoyable, and safe sport experiences. With the help of checklists, self-quizzes, and question-and-answer sections, you will learn why kids play sports and common reasons they drop out, • how kids can benefit from playing sports, • ways to help kids develop a healthy sport perspective, • how to help your child set performance goals, • the importance of being a good role model, • ways to be involved—but not overinvolved—in your child's sport activities, • what it means to be a responsible "sportparent," and • ways to communicate with your child before and after competition. SportParent also provides information to help parents understand and communicate with coaches. The book explains • the qualities of a good youth sport coach, • warning signs of poor coaching, • areas in which to evaluate your child's coach, • when and how to approach a coach about a problem, and • ways to help your child's coach. SportParent was developed by the American Sport Education Program for use in their SportParent Program. The book also makes an excellent stand-alone guide for parents not in the program who want to ensure that their child's sporting experience is a positive one.

Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU

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