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The Government and Politics of the Middle East and North Africa

Rok: 2007
ISBN: 9780813343617
OKCZID: 110601921



New editor Mark Gasiorowski joins David E. Long and Bernard Reich in providing comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of contemporary events and issues in this thoroughly revised edition. Invited specialists contribute their authoritative discussions of the several states of the Middle East and North Africa. Eight of the book’s sixteen chapters are contributed by new authors, infusing the fifth edition of The Government and Politics of the Middle East and North Africa with especially fresh perspectives on the region. New to this edition as well are fact sheets for each country, which provide key data in an easy-to-find and easy-to-use format, and five specially drawn maps, which provide students with more detail than previously on the region’s geography. The volume editors’ introductory chapter is thoroughly revised and thoughtfully expanded to provide a valuable overview of the region’s political systems. As in previous editions, chapters are structured according to a standard format that addresses in turn each country’s history, economics, politics, and foreign policy, facilitating comparison and contrast across countries. A guide to further reading concludes each chapter. More than ever before, The Government and Politics of the Middle East and North Africa, fifth edition, is the single most comprehensive and authoritative text for courses on the government, politics, and economics of the contemporary Middle East and North Africa.

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