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The sociology of southeast Asia : transformations in a developing region

Autor: King, Victor Terry
Rok: c2007
ISBN: 9780824832285
ISBN: 9780824832292
OKCZID: 110602774

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
KING, Victor Terry. The sociology of southeast Asia: transformations in a developing region. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, c2007. xviii, 334 S.



One of the main problems faced by teachers and students who have a scholarly interest in Southeast Asia is the lack of general, user-friendly texts in the social sciences. The absence of an introduction to the sociology of Southeast Asia is especially unfortunate. This volume attempts to meet these needs. This is, then, the first sole-authored introductory sociology text on Southeast Asia that focuses on change and development in the region, provides an overview of the important sociological and political economy writings, and considers the key concepts and themes in the field since 1945. Some multiauthored works do exist but these either are outdated or focus on specialized topics. Aimed primarily at undergraduates up to the final year, it will also be a useful reference work for postgraduates and researchers who lack such a general work.

Zdroj anotace: OKCZ - ANOTACE Z WEBU

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