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Control Of Communicable Diseases Manual (Control of Communicable Diseases Manual) (American Public Works Association)

Rok: 2004
ISBN: 9780875530345
OKCZID: 110605426

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
HEYMANN, David L., ed. Control of communicable diseases manual: an official report of the American Public Health Association. 18th ed. Washington: American Public Health Association, c2004. xxxiv, 700 s.



The most widely recognized sourcebook on infectious diseases provides detailed, accurate, informative text for public health workers in official and voluntary health agencies, including those serving in the armed forces and other governmental agencies, and for all students of medicine. Each listing is easy to read and includes identification, infectious agent, occurrence, mode of transmission, incubation period, susceptibility and resistance. The 18th edition of this text is available, for the first time, online. Translations into several languages-currently Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Serbian, Indonesian and Italian make this text a global treasure.

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