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Therapeutic endoscopy : color atlas of operative techniques for the gastrointestinal tract

Rok: 1998
ISBN: 9783131082619
OKCZID: 110606271
Vydání: [1st ed.].

Citace (dle ČSN ISO 690):
Therapeutic endoscopy: color atlas of operative techniques for the gastrointestinal tract. Ilustrace Franziska von ASPERN, překlad Kenneth F. BINMOELLER. [1st ed.]. Stuttgart: Thieme Medical Publishers, 1998. xi, 214 s.



This colour atlas provides complete coverage of both new and established techniques in genitourinary endoscopy. The book uses more than 500 high-definition watercolours - derived from operative photographs which simulate the physician's cognitive visual experience while performing the procedures - recreating both the look and "feel" of actual surgery. The accompanying text leads readers step-by-step through each operation, and highlights both special tips and potential pitfalls. Thorough and usefully illustrated, this book should be a practical resource for all gastroenterologists and endoscopic surgeons.

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